How to record a call on observer side ?

Geändert am Mi, 13 Jan, 2021 um 11:17 VORMITTAGS

Plug-in installation

URL : 

Or here

by searching : recordRTC

  • Click on "Add to Chrome"

  • Then click on Add Extension

  • Once the plug-in has been installed, click on the button on the top right of the browser

Plug-in configuration


Click on the button on the top right of the browser

Then click on "Options" on the bottom left.


A new window will show off, you will have the possibilty to choose the microphone and camera you would like RTC is recording.

You can as well change the resolution of the video.

Use the Plug-in

  • Click on the R on the top right of the browser, then click on "Screen + speakers" or "Screen only" if you don't want audio on the video.

Select the screen you would like to record then click on share

You can stop the record at any moment :

The icon on the top right is indicating the state and progression of the record :

Once you stoped the record you can downloaded it as mentionned : 

On the bottom part of your browser you will find the new find generated 

You can find as well the file in the Downloads folder, open the Chrome menu then Download :

 Generated file is has the .WEBM extension. You can play it VLC software you can download here :

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